Terms of Indifference

observations from the post graduate pre corporate perspective

April 20, 2005

In love with Craig

I think Craigslist.com is just so incredible. Then again, I am the girl who was addicted to ebay up until...right now. And Im probably still in love with Ebay becuase I dont have a vehicle to pick things up around portland (I think the delivery service is sweet). I got these two precious gerbils off craigslist from some girl who just didnt want them anymore. And I gave her $10 for their tank and food. I think I should have talked her down to $5 because the tank was cracked and the food was rat/mouse food, but I felt bad since she was just giving the animals away and they were so sweet I would have paid for them as well. At any rate, Im now working to fix up the tank and give these gerbils all the spoilings of my long gone but not forgotten Comodus and Princess Powderfoot. Although my new gerbils are lesbians so they wont be eating their young anytime soon. Im going to keep the pets at work and let the kids name them so I will keep everyone posted on the name situation. Skylar (the guy in the science room) said that if the gerbils dont work out in my room then we can just feed them to his snakes. super gross.


At 11:55 PM, Blogger ruth said...

I love you because you sent me a postcard.

At 5:35 PM, Blogger iluvchewy said...

I don't know if I'm supposed to mention your name or not because I see it nowhere in your blog. You told me to read it to get caught up on things and then I clicked around and realized you have probably written on here a total of 6 times. But, this is probably the most interesting blog I have ever read. Tae has a blog too but not too interesting compared to this. I will send you the link, maybe...Love you lots, write me an email!


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