Terms of Indifference

observations from the post graduate pre corporate perspective

May 19, 2006

Editor in Chief

I have a couple more hours before I need to be at Don Muang. I agreed to proofread this friend of a friend's paper because it was presented to me in that innocent "oh can you just check the grammar if I email this to you?" sort of way.
Here's what one paragraph (of the 29 pages!) looks like:

"Given the observation sequence ... and a model ..., we will use Viterbi algorithm to choose a corresponding state sequence ... which is optimal in some meaningful sense.
Let... be the maximal probability of state sequences of the length k that end in state i and produce the k first observations for the given model."

all the elipses are really long algebraic expressions that wouldnt copy onto blogger because THEY ARE TOO DAMN CONFUSING!

Now I understand that you dont have to necessarily know what you are reading into order to check whether or not its grammatically correct in English. Im not proofing the content so it shouldnt matter to me what the paper is about. But good lord...all the numbers and long words and the fact that its 29 pages! I should be getting paid for this. I think Im going to have to delay my crossing into Laos so I can finish reading this tomorrow since I dont really have 4 hours of free time right now...Goo.


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