Terms of Indifference

observations from the post graduate pre corporate perspective

July 01, 2005

You're My Obsession

Anyone who knows that I knit knows that I never finish projects. My apartment is pergatory for sweaters and afghans. So it was very exciting for me to complete my first sweater. My pulse was racing as the final stitches were shaped during the late episode of Dharma & Greg (obviously I don't have cable). There are some slight technical problems and some obvious abnormalities but I would say that it is a very successful effort. Besides, it's for my boss' baby so it's not as if anyone using it will know the difference if the shoulder hem is straight or not.
I was thinking about trying out needlepoint (cross stitching, whatever its called). I did it way back when a couple times but I was seriously considering giving that craft another go. I was shopping for a wedding present** yesterday and nothing says marriage like a set of hand stitched tea towels, right?!

** Registry or not, its terribly difficult to pick an acceptable gift when on an extremely limited budget. I like the way its done in Japan, with a nice card and a fistful of cash. I realize that cramming $15 into a card will probably just make me look cheap and/or lazy. So I went with a card and the least practical gift on the list.


At 11:06 PM, Blogger ruth said...

oh my gosh, that is the cutest baby sweater ever. i can't wait to reproduce so you will make mine one. or rather, fuck that, make me one myself!

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Bill McClain said...

I will do anything for you to make me a sweater. ANYTHING . You are a genius, and all should bow down to you, as they do now mostly, but it should be not "mostly," it should be all.


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