Terms of Indifference

observations from the post graduate pre corporate perspective

February 24, 2006

Spring Break Plans

I am getting increasingly excited about my upcoming trip to Cambodia. In less than two weeks I will touch down in Phoem Phen. I really have no idea what to even expect.
The itinerary, as of right now, is to fly into the capital. In the capital we will explore the history of the Khmer Rouge including visiting the Silver Pagoda (apparently there is a life size image of Buddha made of solid gold and encrusted with diamonds), Tuol Sleng Prison, and the National Museum. From there its up to Siam Reap and Angkor Wat. The 3-day pass for Angkor is $40. It took me 2 days of continuous exploring to see half the historical park at Sukhothai so Im gonna go ahead and say that 3 days is just barely adequete for a kingdom the size of Angkor.
I have no clue how we are going to get from Phoem Phen to Siam Reap. There is a boat, an airplane, or a bus. So plenty of options exist at least. Im also not sure where we are going to stay or in what order we are going to tackle these cities. The plan is to let MrA go through the guide book (photocopied pages from LP: Southeast Asia on a Shoestring) and make some decisions from there.


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