Terms of Indifference

observations from the post graduate pre corporate perspective

December 28, 2005

Le Divorce

How in the world did Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey announce plans to divorce and my email inbox wasnt promptly flooded with messages from friends and loved ones? I had to find out from MSN.com and even then it was questionable until I googled. I have no regular access to this type of information. The only thing I have is an issue of People from October 2005. Its not as if I want to know about everything that happens in the glossies. I want to know about the failures of people who make more money than I do (which at this point is just about everyone) and what they were wearing when it happened.
As far as The Newlyweds goes: I still dont understand why they are famous and why people like her so much. Was a living in a parallel universe when she was the fat one that couldnt dance? I really feel like people were giving me this excuse of their realtionship being cute and watchable (whats your excuse now jerk?) when all this time it was just a matter of being confused by her commercial appeal and Nick Lacheys...I dont know. I think he was supposed to be good looking or something. What would be awesome is if he got super popular now and she became the most hated woman in the country (she & Tom Cruise could have sob parties since hes a fucking nut bag too). Would serve her right for flying the Jesus flag and then divorcing her less popular husband within the first 5 years of the relationship. Its so Hollywood - its so high school - I cant believe anyone would find it anything but revolting.
Sigh...love is dead in America. But the dollar marches on.


At 10:17 PM, Blogger ruth said...

but you were the one that always made me watch the newlyweds!!!!
also, cynthia nixon is in a lesbian relationship.


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