Terms of Indifference

observations from the post graduate pre corporate perspective

December 15, 2005


These posts have been getting out of control, so Im not even going to bother talking about Sukhothai. Yes, I did go last weekend. Yes, it was amazing. There are many pictures that have yet to be labeled in my photo album.

I thought I would never use math after the SATs...turns out, I was wrong.

My days are split somewhere between studying Thai and knitting. These two activities take up all of my spare time. Which is fine by me. Its better than staring at a wall or watching endless hours of Thai television (although I do that simultaneously sometimes). The cool season makes this possible.

The mittens. The fucking mittens. I said I wasnt going to post them because they are a gift and here they are. Why? Its a secret. Shell find out soon enough.

Ive never knit a pair of mittens before. I didnt have a pattern so much as I had a basic idea of what a pattern for a mitten should look like. So I got some yarn at what passes for the LYS (not the best selection of goods but its better than nothing and/or going to Bangkok everytime I need something to do) and just started going for it.

The result was not as disasterous as originally predicted.

Now the second mitten is presenting problems. This is the part of the story where Miss Stransky learns that she should write down what she is doing if she needs to make something identical after she is done. In retrospect, it all makes sense but at the time I just wanted to bust out a mitten.

Will this next one turn out to be "elephantitis hand mit" or "cozy buddy of #1"? Nobody knows!

I have also learned that, much to my dismay, I dont know how to instarsia in the round (if such a thing is even possible). Duplicate stitching just isnt as cool. Bummers. I would like to point out that I made this anchor pattern using a graph that I drew - from a sketch - with a ruler - on a sheet of paper. It was amazingly time consuming. But it matches my tattoo, isnt that clever?


At 3:16 AM, Blogger ruth said...

my mitten is beeeeyoooootiful.
but when did you get an anchor tattoo?

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh I forgot you have been away from me for so long! you saw it when we went back to visit veronica together. its on my arm, chai mai?


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