Terms of Indifference

observations from the post graduate pre corporate perspective

October 31, 2005

The Fast Lane

Just a quick observation about my new bicycle. I love having the bicycle. It enables me to see places that are out of my walking distance (which extends in a quarter-mile radius from where ever I am) and to get some much needed exercise.

That said, I pretty much take my life into my own hands every time I mount the white patent leather banana seat and grab onto the crooked, but none the less functional, handlebars. Not only are there no lights...or helmets...or LAWS...but there are also no brakes. That's right. No. Brakes. So I have to come to a decent cruising speed and just let my feet drag on the ground. Unless Im wearing a pair of good shoes and then I just slow to a stop, which takes quite a while depending on how fast I was going and then I have to walk back to my destination. But that doesnt really work at traffic signals.

I wouldn't give up the bike and it has some other redeemable features like the passenger seat, a really cool bell, and a purple paint job. But it makes me wonder if my ability to walk and feed myself is worth a trip to the post office.

Also, Ive been dying to use the idiom "storm in a teacup".


At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that's awesome I love it baby reminds me of my Dino Bike. Proud of you. Stay strong I Love MANGO!!!


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