Terms of Indifference

observations from the post graduate pre corporate perspective

October 25, 2005


It's so damn hot in Thailand. It's by far the hottest place I have ever lived. The humidity is absolutely suffocating. AND THIS IS THE COOL SEASON!

I finally made it to Chonburi. I wish that there were pictures to show off but I haven't been able to outsmart the digital camera just yet.

This town is very cute but there are certain things that I just havent been able to figure out. Why is there only one post office and how come and can't find it? Why do people keep serving me my soda in a plastic baggie with a straw? Is it safe for an elephant to walk down the side of the road - even if its wearing safety lights? All these things continue to perplex me.

Perhaps the most puzzling part of the whole experience has been the change of accommodations. Me and the other English teacher from my program have been placed in a brand new apartment complex. So new, in fact, that it isn't even completely built yet. We are the only people living in there except for our building manager and his son (who, by the way, is completely facinated with EVERYTHING we do - it's cute). So there is construction happening at all hours. There are also two mangey dogs who live outside. We have named them Lek & Moo.
My room, which will hopefully be illustrated on here soon, is about the size of my single in college. The bed is a boxspring covered in batting. It took two trips to the Tesco and three different futons before that situation was resolved. The room is so new it's frightening. It's like...sterile.
The best part however, is the bathroom. There is no hot water and thats kind of lame. But the entire bathroom is the shower (if you have seen bathrooms like this before then you know what I am talking about). So I can sit on the toilet and wash my hair! Speaking of which, there is a separate little sprayer type thing next to the 'loo and this is used to wash your filthy bits after you are done doing what you must do. Honestly, I can't even say how smart I think this is. That little contraption is my new best friend.

Everyone should be happy to know that I am healthy and regular. No gnarly diseases unless profusely sweating counts as one.
I need to figure out where the post office is.
I am hungry too. Last night I ate mangos & sticky rice with coconut milk. And beer.


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