Oh Ye of Little Faith
So it just occured to me, again, that I should probably update my blog more often. Geez, youd think now that I dont have a 9-5er (730-4er) I would have ample time for such an activity. Just goes to show how much time is wasted by going and working for someone else.
I saw Mel Gibson on a talk show last night and determined that he has finally become that guy from Lethal Weapon. Either that, or he was type cast in the first place.
I made a quilt last night - though I have yet to quilt it. Mainly because I cant figure out what that verb actually means.
I got back from O'ahu earlier this week. Had my first experience staying at a B&B in Kailua. There are oh so many reasons why I want to sing Auntie Barbara's praises. I highly recommend the B&B thing. The traffic isnt quite so monstrous on that side of the island as well.
We got some business done, made some plans for the wedding & the moving, etc. It was Mr A's birthday as well so there was lots of celebrating and Phillipino food eating activity. I ate ZipMin from Zippy's too many times. This picture was taken around the third time.
Since I mentioned the wedding... Im quickly finding the getting married process to be 100% facinating! Im going to have to start blogging on that more often. Perhaps Ill change the subtitle of Terms of Indifference to read "catholic wedding planning: not just for the pious"
I am eagerly awaiting my Engaged Encounter and my "personality inventory" aka marriage test. My mom mentioned she wanted to email me some of the questions. Why? So I can study? So I can cheat? Only time will tell.
you didn't tell me that you went to hawaii the other day. i feel dejected.
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