This is about the time that I start freaking out. I have so much crap to do before the summer rolls around and those little punks up in the NE start expecting me to actually entertain and educate them all at once. I also have about two weeks before my excollege revokes my emailing privilegd...priviledge....pivleges...forget it. My rights! MY RIGHTS TO E MAIL. I have to actually open that comcast thing my mother set up for me in February.
I have left my boyfriend, lost my ferrets, and somehow contracted ringworm (of all disgusting fungi that one could possible attract). So basically my week is not going so swell. Also tonight after work I went to Rite Aid to pick up some fungicide cream (those who were present for the freshman year athlete's foot episode can surely understand my panic upon diagnosis) and of all the stupid luck, I walk in right as they are being robbed. I mean, really...I felt so stupid. Im just standing there in the doorway and this poor girl behind the counter is getting beaten up and Im like STANDING THERE. I have no clue what to do with myself. So, being the giant coward that I am, I do absolutely nothing. And of course afterwards the dude runs off with all the money and the countergirl is trembling like she has whatever comes right before hypothermia and Im feeling so incredibly stupid.
I have seen enough episodes of Law & Order that is should be second nature to me by now. But no. I didn't even get a decent look at the dude who was four feet from my face. Pathetic. I am the worst witness ever. Not only did I do nothing to stop it (ie. jump on the dude and start pummeling him with my purse) or do anything positive to improve the situation (block the door he was running towards, which I was conveniently standing right in front of), but I didn't even remember what color the dudes jacket or hair or ANYTHING was. These things happen because people like me literally just stand around and watch them happen instead of doing anything to help. Even if I had been hurt, at least I wouldn't have to feel like such a jerk.
Oh well, now Im going to finish this baby bootie (gift) that Im knitting and go to bed...COVERED IN SHAME!