Terms of Indifference

observations from the post graduate pre corporate perspective

February 19, 2005

The Job Market

Ugg. So I finally got a job in here that I feel is alright with me. I'm working at the Boys and Girls Club. Honestly, it doesn't even really feel like work all the time. It feels like I spent 5 hours a day hanging out with kids. Although the rejection just keeps pouring in. The Peace Corps sent me some generic letter telling me how I am so wonderful and my skills are best used somewhere else. Just like every other job that rejects me. Do you think employers even really think that? And its not even like employment, its volunteer. I feel like I did everything they asked me to. Even this job I have now I only got because the Peace Corps said i needed more tutoring experience. I read all the books. Ugg. I suppose everyone has to deal with rejection and if getting turned down from some government program makes me feel like it all wasnt worth it then I probably wasnt in the spirit anyway. So Im going to start looking into other abroad service programs. Chris and I are going to take a very long vacation when our lease is up. Maybe to South America. I dont know. Just somewhere that isnt here because suddenly all my plans have changed. I need to take a shower.

February 13, 2005

Dude, now I am just like everyone else.

Ruth has yet again found a way to get me to sign up for the weird internet things that I would otherwise never do...ie. friendster.

Yesterday I ate at Hooters and for the first time actually talked to the waitress. Or at least one of them. She was alright but at the end of the evening when she was soliciting a dollar from me for a muscular dystrophy charity it became very clear that she had NO idea what MD was. But I gave the dollar anyway.