Summer With the CYOC
I love summer camp. I love working at Camp Don Bosco. I just returned from a totally awesome week with all my culty camp buddies. Rose convinced me to go and it almost didn't happen but, sure enough, I was the happy lodge leader of Glacier Lodge for seven glorious days and six glorious nights. The kids were amazing and my staff was apolitical, which is desirable in a staff. Everyday was more awesome than the one before. We had campfires (which, by the way, are full concert experiences at Bosco), rode horses, went on hikes, camped on our overnight, made foil dinners, sang annoying song at our table, etc. It's hard for me to explain why summer camp is so great, I suppose it's just something that you either get or you don't. But I left, unwillingly, feeling energized and slightly high. I am so lucky to be part of the CYOC.