Promo Time!
I experienced my first martial arts promotion ceremony last night. Super fun!!
First we had to do a test. 2 katas (form dances) and 4 randomly chosen fighting techniques and some general knowledge about Kajukenbo. Then Sigung and Sibak, the instructors, would grumble amongst themselves. After that, it was time to kneel on the red line and reap the rewards. The first guy to get promoted was so nervous he couldnt even untie his belt!
And thats all good fun, but heres the really cool part --> when you get presented with your new belt you are expected to squat in front of the black belts (by squat I mean something like a horse stance, not european bathroom position). The master instructor, Mr A, places your new belt on your shoulder, tells you how proud he is of you (and in my case how much he loves you), says "Kajukenbo bless you forever" and proceeds to BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU with the belt. He whips and lashes on your arms, legs, torso, what-have-you. Then, when that excitment is all over, the assistant instructor comes over, takes the belt, and does the same thing!
I almost cried! At my own damn promotion! I sort of screamed since I wasnt really expecting it to hurt as much as it did!
But, thankfully, I didnt cry. I dont think mine was the worst of the group anyway. The green belts got it really bad. Then afterwards we all hung out in the dojo and had some beverages of choice. All in all, it was a very interesting experience and I am proud to be my honey's first female purple belt. Yahoo!