Terms of Indifference

observations from the post graduate pre corporate perspective

March 27, 2005

My GOD! ...sort of

It's Easter time here at the Stransky house. I am in Seattle for the weekend with my sexy fiend roommate and literally could not be any more tired. The club had a sleepover/lock-in type thing last night. It went much smoother than the last one (Galesburg clambake junior sexfest) but now Im totally beat. I got home at 630 in the morning and left for the parents house at around 11. Luckily, Chris drove. We are about to do facial masks while enjoying the movie SAW and comparing who has the worst post-taco bell gastric problems! Ruth has demanded a more light hearted approach to blogging and this is my attempt. Interesting huh? I sort of miss Portland, but not that much. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I DO MISS??? I miss money. Chris and I are so poor we literally tried to roll tabacco in coffee filters the other day. Also, I like Louis Vuitton. I need to not be in debt so much. Poorness sucks (but is kind of chic) so the goal is to not be poor by the end of...sometime. My mom tried making Thai inspired food tonight and it wasnt all that bad.

March 20, 2005


This is literally beginning to feel like the low point of my life. I am spiritually and mentally totally defeated. I wasn't even looking forward to the great high points in my life, and this i was actually looking forward to. I wanted to be 22 and living on my own. I wanted to be urban and watch my generation deplete from the safety of being educated. Not so unpredictably, rather than observe, I have become the problems that suck us into a void. I work, I play, and I dream of all these things that I would/should/could be doing. I have the youth and the mobility to just drop everything and make anything happen. But I lack the resources. I feel like Im going to be in this same place in 10 years and Ill be looking back and saying "now i am too old, where did my life go?" The novelty of drugs and sex and the hilarity of these situations left once I realized that it wasnt so novel, it was just what I do. It has apparently become who I am. I suppose the more optimistic of my generation would tell me to just do and stop bitching but I am stuck inside this life. Money, education, opportunity has all brought me here. I am stuck in Portland with the weight of the 80s and my own idealism holding me here.

March 15, 2005

Ugg. I feel so lazy lately. Well, the weekend was a huge bust. I smoked a lot of cigarettes and shit. It was really boring. Now Im sort of late for work but not really because I was coming in early on my own volition. It would be cool if I actually had something to say for this blog. BJ has this pass thing at blockbuster and we rent the dumbest movies all the time simply because we can. I dont know if thats a proper way to go about movie viewing. You cant just watch terrible films because it is free. I actually saw Kumar and whoever go to White Castle. So embarassing. I dont think Im very mature.